Dave Kingston minns Sugar Minott

Förlusten av Sugar Minott är en stor sorg i mitt liv just nu. Idag skrev Dave Kingston ett inlägg på Chatty Mouth där han minns Sugar. Jag tycker den var väldigt vacker och gripande.
Sugar used to ask us when we were planning to get married, and we always responded with "one day we will". Upon hearing this for the umpteenth time, he told us that if we weren't married the next time we visited, he was going to do something about it. We arrived back a few months later, and upon entering the yard, he immediately asked if we were married yet. Upon hearing that we weren't, he quickly left the yard, and then returned stating that he had his mother's pastor all lined up for the job, and that we could have the wedding at Robert Crescent in a few days.
Fulla inlägget går att läsa här;
(fotot är taget från Beths MySpace)